Enterprise Analysis

Enterprise analysis (also known as strategic enterprise analysis or company analysis) is defined as focusing “on understanding the needs of the business as a whole, its strategic direction, and identifying initiatives that will allow a business to meet those strategic goals.

Enterprise analysis involves a thorough examination of not only the business problem (need) and its proposed business solution (if one already exists), but also an in-depth look into whether the proposed solution is truly the best solution, a detailed analysis of what the solution entails, its risks, and its feasibility in the existing organizational climate.

Because so much research and examination are involved in the process of enterprise analysis work, they are routinely done at a project’s inception. (Or, for agile projects, they are done throughout the project.)


The Role of Enterprise Analysis in the Requirements

As was mentioned above, enterprise analysis is the key starting point to the requirements process, identifying the scope of the business need and justifying its solution. According to BABOK, “It is through enterprise analysis activities that business requirements are identified and documented.”[2] Enterprise analysis is the foundational research that undergirds any successful set of requirements. In addition to being a crucial starting point, enterprise analysis is continually referenced and refined throughout any business analysis endeavor, particularly in agile development.

It is important to note that while many aspects of business analysis—including requirements gathering and implementation—are often done in concert with IT, enterprise analysis ideally is performed irrespective of IT. The work of enterprise analysis is business-focused, and while enterprise analysis may consider what IT can bring to the table in terms of solutions, its primary focus is on business, including changes in business processes, models, and strategies.


Enterprise analysis endeavor will include

  • An examination of currently proposed business initiatives for both viability and effectiveness
  • An identification of the true, core business need(s) at hand, regardless of what has been proposed thus far
  • A description of the ideal solution to the need
  • An evaluation of strategic risks and returns associated with any proposed business solution
  • The scope of the business analyst’s proposed solution(s) to the business need, meaning what tools and processes are involved in getting to the solution
  • The creation of business requirements defining the business need and proposed solution, complete with visuals and a sound business cas

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